Looking for the Best Budget Stereo Amplifiers?
We've reviewed some of the best budget stereo amplifiers so you could make an informed decision.
Written by SaifZiya
Let’s face it. Buying a stereo amplifier could be quite annoying and mind-numbing, especially you’re doing it for the very first time - with no technical know-how, and that’s where newbies tend to make mistakes.
Even if you’re a professional audiophile, being acquainted with the ins and outs of the best budget stereo amplifiers is highly mandatory or you could end up hurting yourself financially. Once you’ve reached the end of this comprehensive article, you will find yourself well-informed to take an informed decision on the best mini amp.
It gets even crazier realizing that there’re hundreds of brands, producing thousands of stereo amplifiers, making it very hard for you to decide which stereo amp you should opt for. However, in spite of being a tough job, we’ve rounded it all up for your convenience.
Best Budget Stereo Amplifiers
This list is mainly intended for beginners, people who’re stepping into the whole new world of Hi-Fi audio reproduction. That’s because if you’re interested in getting a stereo amplifier that doesn’t make you break the bank, you’re required to do some digging.
Although extensive research on the ‘Budget Stereo Amplifier’ requires a lot of time, your skills, and efforts, and if you’re in a hurry, the good news is we have your back with something you’d enjoy reading – this all-encompassing research reviewed by the experts that include the 10 Best Mini Amps to make your day.
Note: We’ve rounded up the best cheap stereo amplifier, the cheap doesn’t mean you should invest in anything you get your hands on. See which budget audiophile amplifier meets your sound needs and then choose to invest in it for a good reason.
You may find this best budget stereo amp poles apart, but they have a lot in common, such as the power (most of the amps deliver 100W (50*2W) power so that your job, which is to find the best mini stereo amplifier, could be satisfied.
In this wish list of yours, the best small stereo amplifier would bring most of the features to life for you. While some amps in this list are priced under $100, most of them can be bought under $50, $40, and even $35. Now, you have to decide which amp you should get. You can also get a discount by adding a coupon code (on Amazon) which, if you’re lucky, could give you an extra 5% discount on the final checkout.
Let’s see what we’ve got for you!
1. Kinter K2020A+ Limited Edition Amplifier Review
If you’re tired of using Class-D amps, this K2020A+ which has been produced by Kinter will make a great impression. What’s even better is that it’s definitely one of the most budget stereo amplifiers you will meet on the market in the present day. Yes, you read that right. If you’re low or tight on budget and don’t want to spend 40 bucks or 50 bucks, this amp has been designed to meet your sound requirements in the first place.
Incorporating a next-level chip a.k.a. TA2020-020, it increases the quality with flying color to give you a perfectly-balanced audio quality. Apart from the basic control, such as adjusting volume, bass, and treble, it also gives an option to direct the tone.
Looking for an amplifier that houses both RCA and 3.5mm (AUX) functionality? This ‘Limited Edition’ meets the expectations of music lovers because the way it amplifies the sound is just mesmerizing. Put different, it offers you versatile and legendary performance. Float on the cloud nine because the 12-volt 5 Amp power supply comes included with the package (order).
2. Pyle 12-Channel Bluetooth Stereo Amplifier Review
Got a home theatre and don’t want to compromise on the sound quality? Certainly, this 12-channel stereo amplifier, which can be used with multi speakers like a charm, will have your back.
The Pyle PT12050CH receiver houses an in-built Bluetooth connectivity that is compatible with all modern devices, be it your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. So, no more frustration while pairing the receiver.
It effortlessly surpasses the competitive mini stereo amplifiers for it introduces nine different types of input functionality, and that’s why it is a lifesaver. You get to have a 3-pair RCA input functionality for your Tape, CD player, or you can use that for Tuner as well.
Other remarkable inputs include SD card, USB, AUX (3.5mm), microphone, etc., slots that makes it all super easy to connect to any set. It’s well-suited for the BT devices and what’s surprising here is that it can stay connected with the BT device within 30 ft.
Still not impressed?
See detailed features below.
3. Dual Electronics DBTMA100 Bluetooth Amplifier Review
Do you crave for an amplifier that is both affordable and Bluetooth-enabled? If that’s what you wish for, you’re in luck – we’ve got the reasonably-priced amplifier that will bring happiness to your face every time you get your speakers or home theater to play using this amplifier.
Being a 100-watt high-powered amplifier, it is capable of turning your wired speakers into the wireless ones (BT speakers). Not sure how you can do that? All you need to do is connect the wire of your LU53 or LU43 speakers to quick-release terminals, and there you go with your new wireless setup. This mini amp is highly suitable for LU speakers.
This mini amp is one of the best budget stereo amplifiers that houses the slots for RCA inputs and AUX (for 3.5mm) so you could get the most out of this amp with no hassle. The BT devices stay connected within the range of 33 meters (i.e. 100 ft.) so you could get uninterrupted music experience.
It features a Class-D system that ensures that you get to experience Hi-Fi sound quality out of your sound system – we all know that Class-D outshines Class A or Class B. Therefore, it’s a winner considering the picture.
It doesn’t matter what weather it is at the moment, raining, hot, or cold, it’s been designed to last longer, giving you no sufferings whatsoever – offers maximum durability, not to mention rigid material. So, yes, it’s a weatherproof amplifier as well. Use it in your living room, drawing room, or in the lobby area, the choice is yours.
4. Nobsound G3 2 Channel Bluetooth 5.0 Amplifier Review
Sometimes, budget stereo amplifiers bring lots of amazing features to the table, but their design sucks. That’s what makes people (who are art lovers or love craftsmanship) decide not to purchase such products.
If you’re also a huge fan of artistry and love ergonomic design, you’d fall in love with this Hi-Fi stereo amp which is as beautiful as it gets.
Featuring a powerful 5.0 Bluetooth facility, this amp gives you an opportunity to create a more stable connection with your BT-enabled device with no-distortion in the music whatsoever.
On top of BT connectivity, it allows you to connect your devices that support 3.5mm or AUX, be it your Phone, Notebook, CD player, or TV – a child’s play.
It ensures you get the most out of cost-effectiveness so you could enjoy your music seamlessly. It’s all up to whether you choose to use it with ‘Line in’ or ‘Bluetooth in’ function. Unlike other amplifiers, this one creates no sparks when you plug it in and feature a built-in protective circuit.
5. Fosi Audio BT10A Bluetooth 5.0 Amplifier Review
If you desire to invest in the up-to-the-minute model of Fosi Audio, this BT10A BT amplifier features everything you crave for in a mini amp to have your daily music needs met.
Dive in the world of music with clarity never experienced before – get every tiny detail in music with the perfect balance of bass and treble altogether.
Tired of wired connectivity, stay one step ahead with the wireless experience, and enjoy the smooth music experience with your favorite genre.
Say goodbye to the older (2019) model and upgrade your music system with this all-new 2020 version that lets you easily distinguish which audio input the amplifier is currently using – AUX (blue light) or Bluetooth (red light).
Need to know more to make up your mind?
More coming your way straightway.
6. Facmogu S800 Mini Stereo Amplifier Review
Does $40 (forty dollars) seem a lot to you when looking for the best budget stereo amplifier?
If affirmative, you’re not alone. In fact, many music lovers have been in the same place where you’re right now.
Unfortunately, there’s no adaptor. But we don’t think that it is unfortunate because you can simply customize your order by adding an adaptor. The reason why we wanted your attention towards this no-adaptor amplifier is that so you could save some bucks, just in case you’re having an adaptor already.
Plugin your AUX cable (i.e. 3.5 mm cable) or get the most out of Bluetooth connectivity, there’s a world of possibilities in this tiny (mini) stereo amplifier that will have you astonished all the way.
It also has its up-to-the-minute model – Facmogu F900, but again, that comes with no adaptor. Therefore, if you believe that you already own an adaptor for F900, you’re good to go with that model for sure.
7. Dayton Audio DTA-2.1BT2 100W 2.1 with Sub Frequency Adjustment
So, you need a stereo amplifier that houses two AUX connectivity and even incorporates frequency adjustment, right?
If affirmative, we are glad that you made it to this page.
That’s because this Dayton Audio DTA has everything you’re on the lookout for as far as hunting for a top-notch amplifier is concerned.
It’s an excellent Class-D Amp that delivers unmatched power with an output of 2×50. In addition to that, if you would like to attach the subwoofer through your home theater, this high-end amp makes it possible for you.
Its unparalleled controls are what it’s known for – Bluetooth, 2-Aux, stereo RCA, and the manual adjustment for both bass and treble, among other fascinating functionality.
8. Facmogu F900 Mini 50W*2 Bluetooth Power Amplifier Review
Does F900 ring the bell? If you think it sounds familiar, then there’s a reason behind that. It’s a succeeding model of S800 that we reviewed earlier and this is one of the best budget amplifiers under $50 and other good reasons’, it’s been also listed as “Amazon’s Choice” which increases the trust even more.
Amazon’s Choice products are the ones that are highly rated and also reasonably priced. This badge can NOT be claimed by any seller – Amazon makes it available to products based on how happy the customers are with the product.
If a 100W amp is what you crave for, this Facmogu F900 will have your back like no other stereo amplifier. Being a dual-channel amp, the generated sound will give you unmatched experience and you will float on cloud seven.
Get the upper hands over wired amps by connecting your BT-enabled device, such as a smartphone with this amp, and stay tuned. And, if you need more flexibility, no worries – it also houses USB, Bluetooth, and even AUX to have your needs met in the first place.
Want to be enlightened more about why it is awesome?
Let’s have you goggle-eyed!
9. Nobsound NS-01G Stereo 100W Amplifier Review
Buying a high-end amp could be easy-peasy for the people who are not concerned about getting the top-of-the-line products, but there are music lovers who can afford to purchase an amp that’s overly priced.
That’s because most of the stereo amps are offer a high pricing model that is beyond the expectations of a middle-class person. And, that’s what led to the existence of this Nobsound NS-01G Amp that features unrivaled features and is available within your means i.e. exceptionally affordable.
Now, the reason why this NS-01G stereo amp is listed as one of the best amplifiers is only not because it’s a cheap amp but also it brings its legendary performance to life.
From Bluetooth compatibility to AUX and USB, it is capable of doing everything you want it to, what’s more, the package also includes the power supply which seems impossible to get at this price range (just the F900 model we just reviewed above, but still it’s all up to you, as per your decision).
10. Nobsound NS-10G BT Stereo Amp Review
Is there any stereo amp whose pricing model is close to the one just reviewed above i.e. NS-01G?
Well, we’ve got exactly what you need. In fact, this one also has decent bass sound effects that you can make use of when using the Bluetooth mode. With all the functionality like USB, AUX, and wireless connectivity (via BT), you can experience Hi-Fi sound with the 100W sound output.
Amplifying the sound of your home theatre speaker (or regular one) has never been easier.
Many of you may already know it, but for those who don’t have any idea, the fact is that it’s an upgrade to the previously launched model i.e. NS-01G.
The bass sound effects will have you shocked because you will feel like you’re watching a movie at the theatre, not at home. Again, it also features a strong aluminum construction which adds an extra layer to the prolonged existence.
How does an amplifier work?
Amplifier is an electromagnetic component that boosts and amplifies the electric current passing through it. It receives the input signal and boosts it many times before feeding it into the output device. The basic function of an amplifier is to turn a small electric current into a larger one. If you want to boost a constant electric voltage, then you can use a transformer. But if the input electric current is a small pulsating one, then you can use an electromagnetic relay to amplify it. A relay couples two electric circuits together so that when a small current flows through one of the circuits, a much larger current flows through the other. If you want to amplify a fluctuating signal, then you can use a transistor-based amplifier. Base, emitter, and collector are the three wore connections of a transistor. You can give input current between base and emitter, then you will get a much larger output current flowing between emitter and collector.
Due to the clipping and distortion, there is a limit to how much an amplifier will boost a signal. The one and only solution to overcome this limitation is to connect more than one amplifier together.
Will amplifiers improve sound quality?
An amplifier will make your speakers play louder and sound better. They improve sound quality in a number of ways. The fundamental function of amplifiers is to modulate volume and they also impact sound linearity and tone. Even though an amplifier’s main job is to boost signals, it can also affect the quality of sound like the fidelity and how much it eliminates distortion. But the sound quality not only depends on the amplifier but also every other component making up the system and the external factors in which the audio is played.
Factors that determines the quality of the sound produced by the amplifier
Here are some of the technical characteristics of the amplifier that determines the quality of the sound:
- Output power: Output power of an amplifier is the power of the electric current the amplifier is giving to the output device. This may differ depending on the load impedance of the speaker that is connected and is limited by the distortion.
- Distortion: Distortion is the level of unwanted signals that is present at the output of the amplifier with respect to the input signal.
- Gain: It is the relationship between the output power and the input power of the signal and is measured in the decibels(dB).
- Frequency response: It is the relationship between the input and output signal levels for the set of frequencies in which the amplifier works.
- Sensitivity: It is the minimum signal level at the input that can generate the maximum output power on the load that the manufacturer has specified.
- Signal-to-noise ratio: It is the difference between the level of the output signal and the noise level and is measured in dB.
Types of amplifiers
Below given are different types of amplifiers and their working principles.
Audio frequency amplifiers: They are used to amplify signals in the range of human hearing that approximately ranges from 20Hz to 20 kHz. Audio frequency amplifiers are generally used to amplify the low level signals from microphones. They receive the amplified input from a series of voltage amplifiers and then provide sufficient power to drive loudspeakers.
Intermediate frequency amplifiers: They are tuned amplifiers used in radio devices, TV sets, and radar devices. IF amplifiers provide the majority of the voltage amplification of a tTV or radar signals, before the audio or video information carried by the signal is separated from the radio signal.
Radio frequency amplifiers: RF amplifiers are tuned amplifiers in which the frequency of operation is done by a tuned circuit equipment. They are used in the earliest stages of a receiver and are low noise performance.
Ultrasonic amplifiers: It is an audio amplifier handling frequencies from around 20kHz to up to about 100kHz ranges. Ultrasonic amplifiers are usually designed for specific purposes such as ultrasonic cleaning purposes, remote control systems, etc.
What is a stereo amplifier?
Wide band amplifiers: Wide band amplifiers are used in measuring equipment such as oscilloscopes and they have a constant gain from DC to several tens of MHz range.
Video amplifiers: It is a special type of wide band amplifier that preserves the DC level of the signal and is commonly used for signals that are applied to CRTs or other equipment.
Buffer amplifiers: They are specialized amplifiers and are placed between two other circuits to prevent the operation of one circuit affecting the operation of the other circuit.
Operational amplifiers: Operational amplifiers or opamp are designed for the early analog computers where they were used for mathematical operations such as adding and subtracting. They are commonly used in ICs and in complex integrated circuits for specific applications.
What to look for in a stereo amplifier?
Here are some of the characteristics in which you have to pay attention to when purchasing a stereo amplifier.
Compatibility: This is the most important thing to pay attention. You have to check whether the amplifier is perfectly matching with your speakers and for this you have to consider three characteristics, power output, impedance, and sensitivity.
Connection: Check the input and output ports and based on the number of t6he ports and type
of connection, you will know which devices you can use with that specific model of stereo amplifier.
Pre-amp, power amp or integrated: Decide whether you want a pre-amplifier, power amplifier, or integrated one according to your usage.
How do I choose a home theatre amplifier?
Here are everything you need to consider when choosing a home theatre amplifier:
- Give attention to the connections and make sure that you can connect to every device that you have now.
- Find the right amount of power for your space because the power difference is irrelevant and the most overrated specification in the world of audio.
- Decide whether you need wired or wireless system
- Before buying check whether the device will work with your TV
Things to Consider When Buying the Best Budget Stereo Amplifier
Getting a high-end amplifier is no joke and could be an annoying task when you don’t have the proper knowledge of the fine points of an amplifier. With that in mind, you need a perfect round-up done by the professional experts – a detailed review that could help you in buying the sound gear you’re after.
That’s why we collected the specifications that you must look for in a good amplifier at the time of buying. Let’s see what they are:
1. Power
What’s the output of your amplifier? How much power does it produce (as an output)?
This is very important because you don’t want to purchase an amplifier with the output of 50W when, in fact, your job is to get a 100W amp. The higher the output, the better and loud the sound will get.
The power increases with different amp models, and so do the price range. However, you could get the “steal” if you do the proper research, though you don’t have to do that since we have already done that for you.
2. Connectivity
Is your amp BT-enabled. BT stands for Bluetooth. This needs to be looked at if you’re trying to invest in a wireless amplifier.
It is okay to get a wired amp, but if your requirements say just the opposite, why not get a wireless amp?
We’ve listed many BT-enabled amps above, go with the one that meets your needs.
3. Compatibility
With how many devices can your amp be connected through different mediums? Does it have features like AUX, USB, and RCA?
As far as buying one of the best budget stereo amplifiers in 2020 is concerned, you should at least invest in an amp that brings these functions to the table you could get the most out of it.
4. Affordability
Of course, it is.
How can you skip this one?
Since your job is to find one of the best budget stereo amplifiers this year, one thing you must be aware of very well is how much your amplifier costs.
That’s because you don’t want to break the bank, do you?
Of course, you won’t. That’s why you’d opt for the “best cheap stereo amplifier in 2020”.
5. Weight and Portability
If you tend to replace your speakers along with the amp from one place to another on a regular basis, you have got to ensure that you’re purchasing a lightweight amp.
You’d be surprised to know that there are amps that can even fit in the palm of your hand and the good news is that we’ve listed them above in this article.
So, these are the basic things that make a huge difference. We know there’s not much of it you can get as compared to the features you get in the pro audiophile amps, but considering the pricing model, this is perfect.
Best Budget Stereo Amplifier: Conclusion
So, that was it – a detailed review of the cheap mini amps available on the market in 2020. There’s no doubt that you can also high-end amps, but the whole purpose of this buyer’s guide was to conclude the best budget amps, not the expensive ones.
Anyway, this is the ultimate list and we tried our best to keep it as reasonable as possible because we know that people can’t afford to buy the luxurious amps and that’s why they end up searching for the cheap amps (i.e. best budget ones) so they could get started with no pain in the neck.